mobi, epub |eng | 2012-01-03 | Author:William Gibson

I’d love to know what that bot was bidding on. Beanie Babies, probably. (A follow-up message partially reversed course: eBay would not outlaw bid bots, but would require that they ...
( Category: Popular Culture March 25,2014 )
mobi, epub, pdf |eng | 2009-03-25 | Author:Gilbert K. Chesterton

XIII. Celts and Celtophiles Science in the modern world has many uses; its chief use, however, is to provide long words to cover the errors of the rich. The word ...
( Category: Religious March 25,2014 )
mobi, epub |eng | 2010-11-02 | Author:Lewis Black

CHRISTMAS DAY, 1:00 P.M. Away in a Manger, No Crib for a Bed—Are You Kidding Me? Since practically every cabdriver in New York seems to have little or no interest ...
( Category: Christmas March 25,2014 )
mobi, epub |eng | 1969-01-02 | Author:Jonathan Edwards

God viewing things so perfectly and unchangeably, as that there is no succession in his ideas or judgment, does not hinder but that there is properly now, in the mind ...
( Category: Essays March 25,2014 )
mobi, epub |eng | 2011-01-26 | Author:Dave Barry

The Wait for the Tub Is Forever Since the Frogs Moved In I’m wondering if any of you readers out there have noticed any suspicious behavior on the part of ...
( Category: Satire March 25,2014 )
mobi, epub, azw3 |eng | 2009-10-20 | Author:Malcolm Gladwell

3. Dershaw picked up a new X-ray and put it on the light box. It belonged to a forty-eight-year-old woman. Mammograms indicate density in the breast: the denser the tissue ...
( Category: Social Psychology & Interactions March 25,2014 )
mobi, epub, azw3, pdf |eng | 2001-06-05 | Author:David Sedaris

The passage of time has not altered my father’s obsessive attention to my sisters’ weight and appearance. He wonders why the girls don’t drop by more often, and then when ...
( Category: Humor March 25,2014 )
mobi, epub |eng | 0101-01-01 | Author:The Great Shark Hunt

206 wanted them, but evidence of any kind is always reassuring to have, and I felt that after two or three months of sleep I might be able to use ...
( Category: Journalists March 25,2014 )
mobi, epub, azw3 |eng | 1982-12-15 | Author:Hunter S. Thompson

Brazilshooting Rio DE JANEIRO. Brazilian police have a reputation for extreme leniency, and the Brazilian army is said to be the most stable and democratically inclined in all of Latin ...
( Category: Journalists March 25,2014 )
mobi, epub |eng | 2005-09-14 | Author:Vonnegut, Kurt [Vonnegut, Kurt]

The most intelligent and decent prayers ever uttered by a famous American, addressed To Whom It May Concern, and following an enormous man-made calamity, were those of Abraham Lincoln at ...
( Category: Essays March 25,2014 )
mobi, epub |eng | 2011-12-07 | Author:Maya Angelou

Power of the Word Many things continue to amaze me, even well into the sixth decade of my life. I’m startled or taken aback when people walk up to me ...
( Category: African-American Studies March 25,2014 )
mobi, azw3 |eng | 2010-05-25 | Author:Ruth Reichl

TUNIS I spent my final year in college worrying about the future. I would have a BA, with honors in sociology, prepared for absolutely nothing. I wished school would never ...
( Category: Essays March 25,2014 )
mobi |eng | 2000-01-01 | Author:Alice Steinbach

It was still early, so I decided to visit a museum I’d heard about: the quaintly named Museum of Garden History. One of my English friends had warned me not ...
( Category: Women March 25,2014 )
mobi, epub |eng | 2011-07-26 | Author:Laurie Notaro

Chill Out, Grass Lady To tell the truth, I had walked up into the house through the front door and had gone back to the car three times in the ...
( Category: Theories of Humor March 25,2014 )
mobi, epub |eng | 2011-09-13 | Author:Colin Clark

WEDNESDAY, 11 JULY Milton rang from Tibbs Farm – could we all go down there for lunch. He was tired after the flight. Mr P was delighted. He is more ...
( Category: Actor & Entertainer Biographies March 25,2014 )